The Blue Hope Initiative for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, 30th July 2016 in Bishop Lucey Park, Cork

Congratulations everyone on such an Amazing Day!
The response we received from the public on Saturday 30th July was better than we could have hoped for with over 100 people taking the time to write a message of hope for victims and survivors of human trafficking! Children kept coming up to help hang cranes, the weather was perfect and there was such a great buzz around the installation all day 🙂
The whole process has been such a beautiful, moving journey and I have learned so much. I would like to thank everyone who participated and made The Blue Hope Initiative possible: Cork Community Art Link, The Cork Sexual Violence Centre, William, Mary, Claire, Patrice, Kate, Dola, Johnny and Diana, Adrian and Jola, Timmy, Sinead, Raul, Daniel, Vivianna, Ilaria, Louise, Alima, Dominic, Aimon, Kevin, Grace, Trish, Tonio, Isabelle, Mom and Dad, Kate and Alain, Lauren, The Cork City Library, The Blackpool Library, Crawford College of Art and Design, Sample Studios, The Cork Opera House, Liz O Brien, Elaine Duggan, The Evening Echo and everyone who took the time to write a Message of Hope! We Did It! Thank you!!#IGiveHope


Sello Tape Sculpting at The Lido, Cork Community Artlink (CCAL)

Fantastic workshops during the last week of June! The team from the Cork Sexual Violence Centre came to model for us at CCAL so we could create the sello tape sculptures. It’s not easy standing for long periods of time while others wrap you up in cling film and sello tape but Patrice and Kate took on the challenge like champs 😉  Well Done everyone!